"It is generally accepted that children and adults learn most effectively in a variety of ways, that we have as human beings a range of differentiated learning styles."

Monday 31 January 2011


Isabella's reading is really coming on in leaps and bounds! She has suddenly developed this passion for reading almost anything she can get her hands on, although books with animals as the central characters are her favourites. She recently finished reading, "Norton; The Loveable Cat Who Travelled the World" by Peter Gethers and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She read it in two days, reading mainly in the evening. She liked it because of the fact it was "very funny" and reminded her of her cat Buxton, who is our youngest, incredibly naughty cat. Another book she has read about five times is "The Four Ugly Cats in Apartment 3D" by Marilyn Sachs. This was a book we found by chance at Embankment Book market, one of my favourite places for finding all manner of books. Not sure if you can purchase it on Amazon or Ebay, but it's well worth a look if you have kids who enjoy books about animals - cats in particular!

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