One of our particular interests here at Tibby Toes School of Excellence is Astronomy and, here, Isabella is busily creating the "Earth" for our super-dooper Solar System! Although slightly faster than the original version, which took 4.6 billion years to create, it is still nevertheless a somewhat time consuming project, but when it's finished, I reckon even Patrick Moore himself would be impressed!
What we're using are Styrofoam balls, which I purchased at my local Hobbycraft - I can't remember how much they cost, but it wasn't a vast sum - about a few quid I think for the larger ones. For the Earth, we're simply using a few different colours of tissue paper which is cut into small cubes and then simply scrunched (that's a technical term you understand) into small balls which are then stuck onto the globe. Before we started, I drew a rough outline of the various continents as a guide and then we simply use a small paintbrush which is dipped into PVA glue. We then paint the glue in small areas on to the globe before sticking on the land/ocean etc. It should look very effective when we've finished. For the sun, we're going to use different materials, but I'll let you know about that later.
Buxton the cat is also very interested in Astronomy, as you can see here from the picture - I think he's hoping we're going to make the moon out of cheese...